My Poverty Dream
There are so many issues in our systems concerning poverty. Many people know and do not know what those issues are.
Though we do know there are many reasons for poverty, it consists of one major fact. That fact is lack of priority to our Cities Across Canada.
Priority is very important. What does that mean? It means constructive ways to construct System Laws and Statutes. Priority is something that should consist of a constructive method of conduct.
Conducting ways that are constructive, means putting our priorities in proper aspects, like maintaining them with order.
Order means putting things into a {purpose} consisting of order.
A One Way Avenue means everything needed in one place, in each city for poverty.
1.Poverty needs priority.
2.Poverty needs one place, and not to be scattered all over the universe.
3.The needs need to be met , in one place.
4.The two need to agree and know what the other is doing. This means all Governmental systems.
In order to maintain Poverty needs, we need resources that will ensure that people are healthy, constructive creativity is put into place.
5. Suitable Centers put into place, in order to be suitable for each need.
6.Like Job placements for people living in poverty.
7.Job training classes.
8.A Self Worth Class, Anger Management Classes, Housing Classes to maintain cleanliness .
9.Financial Classes to help people who need to learn basic life skills.
Housing can be put into this method, but also housing can be put into other places as well.
Housing should only be conducted after treatment is done for those who do not show responsibility to there lives, lashing out in anger, doing crime, and addicted to drugs. They need stability put into place in there lives, and to learn how to maintain there lives in general.
Even in saying so though the main importance is to maintain stability in poverty peoples lives.
This is done through organization.
There is no way to be organized in the systems , if everything is scattered. Resources need to be in one place.
As it stands people in poverty walk miles a day with there belongings , going through every kind of weather changes and more.
As a Government and System, it is important to take that very seriously and provide better avenues for such abusive conducts. This kind of conduct is not needed and causes people to have bad backs, have pain levels that are not needed and causes bad health to those living in poverty.
This is a law or statute that has been causing great concern to me. I consider this abuse, in the systems.
10.Lockers should be provided for people living in poverty, for day time reasons, considering they are traveling great distances to submit papers to O.D.S.P and welfare offices, looking for places to live, and so much more.
11.Also bus passes should be provided as a means of a health regulation to those living on the streets.
12. A bus pass is very important, it will help with the issues of health and safety. Many woman living on the streets have been running against abuse, and a bus pass will help and insure there safety as well.
The Bus pass gives people in poverty a warm place if it is very cold outside. There are many reasons a bus pass can help those in poverty.
Many people in poverty are responsible and making the right steps in there lives. They are looking for jobs, and places to live. They require a Bus Pass as well.
People in poverty like anyone else have rights to be healthy, and to live, breath and have there being.
They should be able like anyone else have the same rights as a rich person or middle class person.
This means basic rights to a persons life in general.
No one should be expected to be begging on the streets, or asked to wait for a place to live. No one should be waiting for Financial resources to have a place to live and stay off the streets. { Human lives were not meant to be treated like animal life.}
13.Arrears costs to people in poverty, has become a method, of if you do not have the ability to pay for arrears costs, then you are required to stay on the streets without a home to live in. This method in our systems is very wrong. A arrears cost can not be paid if a person on assistance is living on the streets or only getting a streets allowance.
Many people are bound by system trustees, these trustees, manage there money, but even though in some cases is good, it in other ways is not good.
A trustee gives a client only so much to live on, which may consist of 25.00 a week or month. 25.00 does not fit the bill, of our climate concerning costs of living. A Clean ex now a days cost 3.00 a box, this would not be applicable to 25.00 a week or a month.
14.People in poverty spend a whole day on the streets, and this takes up the 25.00 on drinks, or snacks during the day.
People living in missions are not inside missions all day, the systems do not allow them to. The only time someone is able to be inside a mission is when they are paying for room and board.
Many people living in poverty, do not live in missions, but spend there lives on the streets. You may say this is choice. Choices are made sometimes yes due to System abuses by authorities abusing there power, causing them to do so.
Also many decide this, due to there chances of there cries being heard, or they desire to make a statement to the governments and systems, hoping they will hear the cries. People in poverty are crying out for answers to the pain, and System issues.
I noticed that more and more issues are arising in our systems causing more harm then good to those in poverty.
15.One of those issues is, a out of order sign in the bathrooms, or a business note on the door of a washroom saying washrooms are only for use of those eating or drinking, or buying something. People in poverty live off of a assistance check, or trustees and do not have money.
I am not a stupid lady and I know that the reasoning behind these things lie in many lives that are not taking care of business washroom living on the streets and abusing there right to use the washrooms. Even in saying so, they still need a place to go to the washroom, and they still have that right.
To take away every resource for those in poverty is not applicable and even so, you may say they can travel to a mission and go to the washroom. That also is not applicable.
The reason this is not, is depending on where the person is, what the person is enduring, and weather they can hold it. Also it depends on there abilities as well. Also many missions do not allow such things during the day. They do not allow people to use the facilities during the day.
The systems and governments have taken away , but not put anything in its places.
Another issue is clothing, or house hold items given in missions. This has not only been a issue due to lack of donations in our community, but a issue when people in poverty are wearing there pajamas outside. This is proof of lack. This is also proof of the system changes being made that are not proper.
16.A mission now only provides 5 pares of clothing every 2 months.
17.The systems and Governments need to know that clothing for those in poverty, may consist of many different ways of life styles, time spans, and weather or not they have housing or not.
18.Also this indicates the clothing they had, is either taken by Landlord issues, or being on the streets or in missions having there clothing disposed of.
19.In some cases like Salvation Army , they only have a small amount of time, to store there belongings and then it is thrown away.
This is the issues at hand, and though the Governments are trying to find ways to help, this is not helping and we need to take every situation and apply it with care, and start applying proper ways to accommodate all situations. The Governments have not applied any of this or taken poverty seriously.
There only throwing in a Law and changes that are not thought out properly, conducted properly. It is time to do the job as a government body, who conducts our laws and takes care of our Country, in a better maintained way. With care, Love and conduct it, in such ways that you as a Government would desire to be treated yourselves, taking it very seriously.
As a authority in the land, you are in charge and required to conduct proper laws and statutes that bringing forth healthy and better ways of living to everyone, rich , poor, and middle class. In general peoples lives, living on the face of this earth.
20.Rather then putting a band aid on it.
A band aid will never work. For instance when you take a person doing drugs, or in mental health business, and on medication, due to sexual assault issues, and other things. Putting a band aid on it, is not answering the cry, or the issues at hand.
21.A blue band, and a place to put the needle, only conducts the right to do drugs.
Then you as a government put into laws, that doing drugs is illegal.
Well one law and a Blue band, and place to put the needle, is contradiction to the fact.
22.A pill to dilute a emotion, or attitude towards the persons abuse issues, is only a band aid method, and in fact should only be a short time method to help them get back on there feet again.
What needs to be done, is and I am not just speaking out of a hat, I am living proof that this will work.
23.They need authority figures in Council to do there Jobs properly, and give them the proper council required to help them get over the abuse, and deal with the issues pertaining to the results of the abuses in there lives.
24The required methods of helping these individuals learn how to deal with the issues, that came from the abuses, and maintain there lives in a independent way. Safety plans, teaching them how to protect there selves from abuse is a great place to start.
Putting council in place to help with the ongoing emotional pain, and other things that cause them to hurt or lash out as a result of abuse.
Ways to vent that is proper is very important as well.
These are just some things that the Systems and Governments should be doing to help conduct better ways for those living in poverty to grow, learn, and maintain proper ways of living.
In order to do this, we need everything to be put into a place that is maintained properly. One part of London Ontario. All in one place.
So putting all resources into one place would help people in poverty, it would help our cities across Canada. It would help our Community, and the city conduct better ways to cause changes to our cities.
People who travel will better desire to be in our cities. Building Businesses and more would be easier. Crime would be less, and so much more.
Having O.D.S.P and Welfare together in one Building , would be included in this one way Avenue.
Why because , then one hand knows what the other is doing. It should not matter weather it is Municipal or Provincial. Both sides should know what the other is doing.
As well as Mission Services, Shelters and other Authority Facilities in each city across Canada.
They should be able to know what the other hand is doing, as a manner of stability to poverty lives.
So many people lack wisdom concerning this method. If a client is suffering, it is due to lack of wisdom and not knowing what is going on in this persons life as a result. The systems mess up, due to other facilities doing different things with the client, and then it causes serious issues for the person living in poverty.
I do not mean dabbling into there personal lives, but I do mean putting resources into one place, and conducting Stability, with each facility, authority involved on behalf of the clients.
This Letter was written to you through my experiences of poverty.
Peace Be with you All.
Though we do know there are many reasons for poverty, it consists of one major fact. That fact is lack of priority to our Cities Across Canada.
Priority is very important. What does that mean? It means constructive ways to construct System Laws and Statutes. Priority is something that should consist of a constructive method of conduct.
Conducting ways that are constructive, means putting our priorities in proper aspects, like maintaining them with order.
Order means putting things into a {purpose} consisting of order.
A One Way Avenue means everything needed in one place, in each city for poverty.
1.Poverty needs priority.
2.Poverty needs one place, and not to be scattered all over the universe.
3.The needs need to be met , in one place.
4.The two need to agree and know what the other is doing. This means all Governmental systems.
In order to maintain Poverty needs, we need resources that will ensure that people are healthy, constructive creativity is put into place.
5. Suitable Centers put into place, in order to be suitable for each need.
6.Like Job placements for people living in poverty.
7.Job training classes.
8.A Self Worth Class, Anger Management Classes, Housing Classes to maintain cleanliness .
9.Financial Classes to help people who need to learn basic life skills.
Housing can be put into this method, but also housing can be put into other places as well.
Housing should only be conducted after treatment is done for those who do not show responsibility to there lives, lashing out in anger, doing crime, and addicted to drugs. They need stability put into place in there lives, and to learn how to maintain there lives in general.
Even in saying so though the main importance is to maintain stability in poverty peoples lives.
This is done through organization.
There is no way to be organized in the systems , if everything is scattered. Resources need to be in one place.
As it stands people in poverty walk miles a day with there belongings , going through every kind of weather changes and more.
As a Government and System, it is important to take that very seriously and provide better avenues for such abusive conducts. This kind of conduct is not needed and causes people to have bad backs, have pain levels that are not needed and causes bad health to those living in poverty.
This is a law or statute that has been causing great concern to me. I consider this abuse, in the systems.
10.Lockers should be provided for people living in poverty, for day time reasons, considering they are traveling great distances to submit papers to O.D.S.P and welfare offices, looking for places to live, and so much more.
11.Also bus passes should be provided as a means of a health regulation to those living on the streets.
12. A bus pass is very important, it will help with the issues of health and safety. Many woman living on the streets have been running against abuse, and a bus pass will help and insure there safety as well.
The Bus pass gives people in poverty a warm place if it is very cold outside. There are many reasons a bus pass can help those in poverty.
Many people in poverty are responsible and making the right steps in there lives. They are looking for jobs, and places to live. They require a Bus Pass as well.
People in poverty like anyone else have rights to be healthy, and to live, breath and have there being.
They should be able like anyone else have the same rights as a rich person or middle class person.
This means basic rights to a persons life in general.
No one should be expected to be begging on the streets, or asked to wait for a place to live. No one should be waiting for Financial resources to have a place to live and stay off the streets. { Human lives were not meant to be treated like animal life.}
13.Arrears costs to people in poverty, has become a method, of if you do not have the ability to pay for arrears costs, then you are required to stay on the streets without a home to live in. This method in our systems is very wrong. A arrears cost can not be paid if a person on assistance is living on the streets or only getting a streets allowance.
Many people are bound by system trustees, these trustees, manage there money, but even though in some cases is good, it in other ways is not good.
A trustee gives a client only so much to live on, which may consist of 25.00 a week or month. 25.00 does not fit the bill, of our climate concerning costs of living. A Clean ex now a days cost 3.00 a box, this would not be applicable to 25.00 a week or a month.
14.People in poverty spend a whole day on the streets, and this takes up the 25.00 on drinks, or snacks during the day.
People living in missions are not inside missions all day, the systems do not allow them to. The only time someone is able to be inside a mission is when they are paying for room and board.
Many people living in poverty, do not live in missions, but spend there lives on the streets. You may say this is choice. Choices are made sometimes yes due to System abuses by authorities abusing there power, causing them to do so.
Also many decide this, due to there chances of there cries being heard, or they desire to make a statement to the governments and systems, hoping they will hear the cries. People in poverty are crying out for answers to the pain, and System issues.
I noticed that more and more issues are arising in our systems causing more harm then good to those in poverty.
15.One of those issues is, a out of order sign in the bathrooms, or a business note on the door of a washroom saying washrooms are only for use of those eating or drinking, or buying something. People in poverty live off of a assistance check, or trustees and do not have money.
I am not a stupid lady and I know that the reasoning behind these things lie in many lives that are not taking care of business washroom living on the streets and abusing there right to use the washrooms. Even in saying so, they still need a place to go to the washroom, and they still have that right.
To take away every resource for those in poverty is not applicable and even so, you may say they can travel to a mission and go to the washroom. That also is not applicable.
The reason this is not, is depending on where the person is, what the person is enduring, and weather they can hold it. Also it depends on there abilities as well. Also many missions do not allow such things during the day. They do not allow people to use the facilities during the day.
The systems and governments have taken away , but not put anything in its places.
Another issue is clothing, or house hold items given in missions. This has not only been a issue due to lack of donations in our community, but a issue when people in poverty are wearing there pajamas outside. This is proof of lack. This is also proof of the system changes being made that are not proper.
16.A mission now only provides 5 pares of clothing every 2 months.
17.The systems and Governments need to know that clothing for those in poverty, may consist of many different ways of life styles, time spans, and weather or not they have housing or not.
18.Also this indicates the clothing they had, is either taken by Landlord issues, or being on the streets or in missions having there clothing disposed of.
19.In some cases like Salvation Army , they only have a small amount of time, to store there belongings and then it is thrown away.
This is the issues at hand, and though the Governments are trying to find ways to help, this is not helping and we need to take every situation and apply it with care, and start applying proper ways to accommodate all situations. The Governments have not applied any of this or taken poverty seriously.
There only throwing in a Law and changes that are not thought out properly, conducted properly. It is time to do the job as a government body, who conducts our laws and takes care of our Country, in a better maintained way. With care, Love and conduct it, in such ways that you as a Government would desire to be treated yourselves, taking it very seriously.
As a authority in the land, you are in charge and required to conduct proper laws and statutes that bringing forth healthy and better ways of living to everyone, rich , poor, and middle class. In general peoples lives, living on the face of this earth.
20.Rather then putting a band aid on it.
A band aid will never work. For instance when you take a person doing drugs, or in mental health business, and on medication, due to sexual assault issues, and other things. Putting a band aid on it, is not answering the cry, or the issues at hand.
21.A blue band, and a place to put the needle, only conducts the right to do drugs.
Then you as a government put into laws, that doing drugs is illegal.
Well one law and a Blue band, and place to put the needle, is contradiction to the fact.
22.A pill to dilute a emotion, or attitude towards the persons abuse issues, is only a band aid method, and in fact should only be a short time method to help them get back on there feet again.
What needs to be done, is and I am not just speaking out of a hat, I am living proof that this will work.
23.They need authority figures in Council to do there Jobs properly, and give them the proper council required to help them get over the abuse, and deal with the issues pertaining to the results of the abuses in there lives.
24The required methods of helping these individuals learn how to deal with the issues, that came from the abuses, and maintain there lives in a independent way. Safety plans, teaching them how to protect there selves from abuse is a great place to start.
Putting council in place to help with the ongoing emotional pain, and other things that cause them to hurt or lash out as a result of abuse.
Ways to vent that is proper is very important as well.
These are just some things that the Systems and Governments should be doing to help conduct better ways for those living in poverty to grow, learn, and maintain proper ways of living.
In order to do this, we need everything to be put into a place that is maintained properly. One part of London Ontario. All in one place.
So putting all resources into one place would help people in poverty, it would help our cities across Canada. It would help our Community, and the city conduct better ways to cause changes to our cities.
People who travel will better desire to be in our cities. Building Businesses and more would be easier. Crime would be less, and so much more.
Having O.D.S.P and Welfare together in one Building , would be included in this one way Avenue.
Why because , then one hand knows what the other is doing. It should not matter weather it is Municipal or Provincial. Both sides should know what the other is doing.
As well as Mission Services, Shelters and other Authority Facilities in each city across Canada.
They should be able to know what the other hand is doing, as a manner of stability to poverty lives.
So many people lack wisdom concerning this method. If a client is suffering, it is due to lack of wisdom and not knowing what is going on in this persons life as a result. The systems mess up, due to other facilities doing different things with the client, and then it causes serious issues for the person living in poverty.
I do not mean dabbling into there personal lives, but I do mean putting resources into one place, and conducting Stability, with each facility, authority involved on behalf of the clients.
This Letter was written to you through my experiences of poverty.
Peace Be with you All.
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