landlord agreement and tenants

As it stands many landlords are not taking responsibility of properties and many issues, are arising for renters causing them to move, break leases and more.

The landlords in our city London Ontario by my experiences have been able to get away with way too much.

Though I do believe there is also issues with renters abusing properties through drug addiction as well, this letter is concentrating on landlord issues. Two wrongs do not make a right.

There is a agreement of leases and landlords expect renters to agree to many rules and regulations , that also consist of system laws. Everything seems so one sided, and in many cases through tribunal hearing and more , it is one sided. It seems authorities have more privileges then the renter or clients, and the renter or client suffer more as a result. They lose there.belongings due to loss of checks, and have to move , pay for landlord issue costs and court costs. Then in many cases they end up homeless as a result.

In many cases it is in fact not the clients or renters fault , it is the fault of landlord issues.
The renters and clients are neglected, ignored.not believed ,and taken granted of.
The landlord or authorities  lies and causes issues for the client or renter.

Then the client or renter ends up owing money to the landlord,take loans to pay them,even if it is not there fault , lose all they possess, and end up homeless, then become in debt because they are homeless and can not receive a full benefit check, and can not pay arrears costs.
This becomes a ongoing issue, and turns out where the renter or client ends up waiting years before receiving housing due to arrears costs issues.

So the issues are :

1. Landlord neglect issues

2. The client is not believed in court

Or by workers.

3. They are forced to pay court costs, and arrears costs.

4. No income tax reciet given by landlord.

5. They do not receive income tax returns

6. They lose all there belongings

7. They become homeless

8. They wait years for housing due to no check or half of benefits, not able to pay arrears cost.

9. They become In debt.

This is a issue that is called and considered miss conduct issues.
Putting clients or renter on a no win situation.
A roller  coaster ride.

I believe it is time for government's to conduct better ways that are fair to the landlords and the clients or renters.
I suggest a law stipulating that renters or clients can have a paper agreement for the landlord to abide by , consisting of there health rights , that the landlord has to apply his duties as required and if they do not, then the client or renter is able to keep there Income check,and receive one free month, move out when receiving next check, so they are protected and can move into a new unit somewhere else safely.

This  helps the landlord learn , and they pay for there unlawful actions to the renter or client. This helps with clients not losing there belongings . And takes care of arrears issues, tribunal hearings, and less homeless issues.

Peace be with you all.


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