The Reason People Are Homeless
As written in last letter concerning Landlord Issues to Clients or Renters. The issues are a consistent one. These issues do not just apply with Landlord issues but are a general issue concerning authorities . Authorities miss use there power. 1.As a woman who has endured poverty, studied the system issues, I know that in fact the issues of Homelessness is based on Laws, and System issues. 2. In my experiences I have had arrears issues, due to issues with Landlords, and having to move out as a result. 3. Latter finding out I have to pay them back. Then after being put out on the streets, because I have nowhere to put my belongings, store my furniture, I end up losing everything, and have to start over. 4. Being on the streets, I find the systems expect that I pay my Arrears costs before receiving housing. This method does not work because homelessness requires survival and survival only allows half of a assistance check, or none at all. 600.00 street income, this only helps...